Quai de la Tournelle, 5th district - December 14, 2021Jean-Pierre, Quai de Conti, 6th district - September 12, 2021Florence, Quai de Gesvres, 4th district - February 08, 2022Rachid, Quai de l’Hôtel de Ville, 4th district - June 11, 2022Michel, Quai de la Tournelle, 5th district - February 13, 2022Claire, Quai Malaquais, 6th district - October 13, 2021Clément, Quai Saint-Michel, 5th district - April 29, 2022Luc, Quai de l’Hôtel de Ville, 4th district - February 08, 2022Hélène, Quai de l’Hôtel de Ville, 4th district - May 14, 2022Karim, Quai Malaquais, 6th district - October 13, 2021Christophe, Quai de Conti, 6th district - April 14, 2022Sylvie, Quai des Grands-Augustins, 6th district - April 14, 2022David, Quai du Louvre, 1st district - November 20, 2021Françoise, Quai de la Tournelle, 5th district - December 16,  2021Antoine, Quai du Louvre, 1st district - November 19, 2021Hélène, Quai de la Mégisserie, 1st district - November 20, 2021Christian, Quai de Montebello, 5th district - August 02, 2022Florence, Quai des Grands-Augustins, 6th district - December 14, 2021Najib, Quai Voltaire, 7th district - October 13, 2021Philippe, Quai des Grands-Augustins, 6th district -  November 20, 2021Sophie, Quai de Montebello, 5th district - September 10, 2021Gilles, Quai de la Mégisserie, 1st district - November 19, 2021Laurence, Quai de la Tournelle, 5th district - December 16, 2021Luis, Quai de la Mégisserie,  1st district - November 20, 2021Marie-Christine, Quai des Grands-Augustins, 6th district - November 18, 2021Henri, Quai de la Mégisserie, 1st district - November 20, 2021Abdulrazak, Quai de Montebello, 5th district - December 16, 2021Ghislaine, Quai de la Mégisserie, 1st district - December 17, 2021Jean-François, Quai Voltaire, 7th district - October 15, 2021Andy, Quai Malaquais, 6th district - June 23, 2022Marc, Quai de la Tournelle, 5th district - February 13, 2022Colette, Quai Saint-Michel, 5th district - February 05, 2022Rémy, Quai Malaquais, 6th district - October 15, 2021Elena and Camille, Quai de l’Hôtel de Ville, 4th district - December 18, 2021Jean-Étienne, Quai de la Mégisserie, 1st district - December 18, 2021Victoire, Quai de Gesvres, 4th district - December 18, 2021Alain, Quai de Montebello, 5th district - February 05, 2022Hailing, Quai de l’Hôtel de Ville, 4th district - February 08, 2022Bernard, Quai Voltaire, 7th district - April 29, 2022Jérôme, Quai de Conti, 6th district - September 10, 2021Annouchka, Quai des Grands-Augustins, 6th district - April 14, 2022Matthieu, Quai de la Mégisserie, 1st district - June 11, 2022Françoise, Quai de l’Hôtel de Ville, 4th district - June 11, 2022Serge, Quai de la Tournelle, 5th district - August 02, 2022Gaële, Quai de l’Hôtel de Ville, 4th district - June 11, 2022Albert, Quai de la Tournelle, 5th district - August 02, 2022Nathalie, Quai Malaquais, 6th district - October 13, 2021Luc, Quai de la Tournelle, 5th district - August 02, 2022Lucile, Quai de la Mégisserie, 1st district - June 11, 2022

A meeting with the booksellers of Paris



A few years ago, buying a book on the quays introduced me to Jérôme, bookseller and president of their association. The conversation helping, germinated the idea of ​​making the portrait of the whole corporation. Time passed and then came the health crisis which highlighted our need for culture and classified the book as an essential good. I then thought of the vendors on the quays and decided to make the initial project a reality. So I set out to meet this community which, for 450 years, has represented the largest open-air bookstore in the world.


A long tradition


Heirs to peddlers and “estaleurs”, they appeared following the development of the second-hand book market linked to the rapid growth of printing in the 16th century. First traveling merchants, their practice evolved with the construction of the Pont Neuf in 1606. They settled there, presenting their books on a simple canvas. The construction of masonry quays at the end of the 18th century saw an evolution in their activity. The number of booksellers increased throughout the 19th and 20th centuries at the same time as their status changed. The current boxes were made official in 1891 when a municipal decree allowed operators to leave their merchandise at home.


A major symbol of Paris


In the world of books, quayside vendors sit between the new bookshop and the bibliophile bookshop. The books on offer are defined by their diversity and low price. Thus, over nearly 4 kilometers along the Seine, some 300,000 books are available. Through their activity, booksellers are a major symbol of Paris and of the intellectual world by contributing to the dissemination and recirculation of literary heritage. Aside from any social, political, cultural or religious consideration, the “green wagon” boxes constitute a democratic space for exchange and knowledge.


A treasure of memory


This profession-passion has led many of its members to specialize in this or that field to become references in the world of bibliophilia. The extent of their knowledge makes them an irreplaceable treasure of memory at the beginning of the 21st century. It is this human network, whose main raison d'être is culture, which gives the quays of the Seine their special character. Around the world, other book markets exist in Tokyo, Rome or Beijing, but none has the scale of the Parisian model, unique by its size, its age, the variety of its offer as well as its permanence throughout year round.


Famous and not well known


The booksellers of Paris are famous throughout the world but remain poorly known and often only appear in the background of a postcard vision. This is why it seemed important to me to meet them through a photographic approach. And if during their history, many texts have been written about them, on the other hand, no extensive iconography has been made. I made 130 portraits over the period 2021 - 2022 in order to establish a dated state of the corporation.